Top 10 Easy And Low-Maintenance Flowers to Grow

flower - sunflower yellow leafs with darker round-shape middle

Have you recently found an interest in gardening and think you have a green thumb? Good, you have come to the right place! You no longer have to worry about your plants dying quickly because this article reveals ten easy flowers to grow in your garden.

Flowers are delicate and beautiful. So, we often assume they need regular maintenance to stay vibrant and healthy. However, certain flower varieties are not highly needy and don’t die quickly due to the impact of outdoor elements.

From Siberian iris to begonias, you will find the easiest flowers to grow and plant in your garden with pleasure. Dry outdoor flowers won’t make your piece of land lively. But, the following low-maintenance flowers will do the trick.

1. Siberian Iris

The Siberian Iris symbolizes courage. It grows in full sun from late spring to early summer. It is tolerant of partial shade but requires moisture-free soil to prevent root rotting. Irises are perfect for beginner gardeners because they are easy flowers to grow.

flower - Siberian Iris

By the end of their blooming journey, Siberian irises only have their leaves left. Gardeners shouldn’t remove these or throw them away. Instead, they should allow them to absorb the sun’s rays, which gives them the power to bloom during the following season. These easy flowers most commonly have a blue or purple shade but can also come in pink and white.

2. Portulaca

A fully-drained soil and total sun exposure create the perfect conditions for growing portulaca flowers. Their thick leaves protect them from droughts, making them heat-resistant and low-maintenance flowers.

flower - Portulaca ping and yellow in the middle

Portulacas thrive during the summer months and they don’t require over-fertilization. They remain beautiful until fall arrives and bloom again during dry seasons. Many gardeners love filling their grounds with these flowers because they symbolize endurance and create vibrancy with their pink, red, yellow, purple, and orange hues.

3. Catmint

Easy flowers known for their easily recognizable lavender color include catmints. Due to its low-maintenance characteristics, droughts, high heat temperatures, and average soil cannot damage catmint’s beauty. However, an important thing to remember is that this flower grows best in highly nutrient-rich soil.

all around light purple flower

Catmint is frequently confused for catnip, but they belong to differing species. The catmint flower symbolizes fertility and flourishes under the full sun. Although it’s scent-free, it attracts bees, butterflies, and birds. It keeps unwanted insects and animals away and contributes to retaining the liveliness of the overall landscape.

4. Sunflowers

Whether you have already started gardening or not, you have likely heard of sunflowers before. You can’t mistake their appearance for another flower. These are among the easiest flowers to grow because they only need sun, partial shelter, and good soil to become tall and big beauties.

flower - sunflower yellow leafs with darker round-shape middle

You can easily plant them from seed and witness their quick growth. They attract bees and improve the soil’s quality. Their deep roots oxygenate and fertilize the soil to help other flowers grow better. Sunflowers also soak up any harmful substances in the soil to restore its health. Their color varieties include yellow, dark red, and brown, symbolizing loyalty.

5. Aster

Another tall flower type besides sunflowers is aster. These bloom from the end of summer to fall and need adequate sun exposure and shade to retain their original beauty. You can find them in purple and pink tones, carrying the symbol of wisdom. They can withstand dry temperatures but require moisture in the soil to bloom properly.

flower - Aster flower small pinky flowers with yellow middle circle

These low-maintenance flowers are also known as daisies. Their petals are most bright and colorful when the seeds are planted in well-drained soil. Fully bloomed asters have numerous colorful petals that are attractive to butterflies. Because asters are perennial, you will enjoy seeing their natural beauty every year if you plant them right the first time.

6. Zinnia

Looking for the easiest flowers to grow with the most extensive color variety? Zinnias come in almost every shade except blue. They bloom at various heights and symbolize daily remembrance. These flowers can appear in many shapes. But, the most common one is the single-flowered zinnia with one row and a visible center.

big strong pink leavers with two-color middle circle yellow-pink

Zinnias don’t require high maintenance – they only need full sun, partial shade, and fertile soil. They last up to five months and can endure extreme heat during late spring, all summer months, and early fall. They will last even longer if you regularly remove pruned parts from the flower to promote continuous re-growth.

7. Marigolds

Marigolds need moisture and bright sunlight to beautify your garden. These yellowish-orange blooms can handle partial shade if they have been exposed to the sun most of the day. They grow fast and appear annually during the summer season. Marigolds’ petals look similar to those of zinnias because they oppose each other on the stem.

flower - Marigiolds big fluffy all around orange floweres

You must plant marigolds in direct sunlight and water them regularly. Apart from these two maintenance practices, marigolds are very easy flowers because they grow regardless of the soil type and don’t require heavy fertilization. Marigolds bring uniqueness to your garden thanks to their vibrant appearance and symbolism of power.


Colorful plants that grow well in colder climates are difficult to find. But, pansy flowers can withstand cooler temperatures during spring, fall and even winter if their roots are properly protected with a ground covering that enriches the soil. Each pansy flower has exactly five large and round petals, making them unique choices for your garden.

flower - Pansies 3 or 4 leafs flower with darker middle on the leafs

Plate pansies during the morning hours of the day to avoid direct sun exposure and ensure the soil is not too soggy. Make sure the soil is dry before watering them. Pansies symbolize love and affection and can be found in violet, white, yellow, or red colors.

9. Impatiens

Impatiens come in multiple disease-resistant varieties. They only need partial shade to reveal their pink, red, purple, yellow, or white hues when planted. However, remember to give these bedding plants well-drained soil and not overexpose them to cold climates.

flower - Impatiens very light pink gentle leafs

Their blooms last from summer to fall with weekly watering. Impatiens are annual plants that thrive in shady areas and require proper moisture. The impatiens’ soft color hues make them easy to mix with all of your other planted flowers. These low-maintenance flowers bring cheerfulness to your garden and grow quickly, symbolizing unconditional motherly love.

10. Begonias

If you have experienced some uncertainties when deciding if plants need sun or shade, begonias are your safest bet because they can grow in both conditions. However, although they can handle cooler climates and bright lights, they still need protection from high heat to prevent withering.

flower - Begonias very pink, round leafs with slight touch of orange in the middle

The best time to plant your begonias is early spring, preferably in March. By May, they will bloom into the most breathtaking flowers. Their light pink petals bring liveliness to your garden that is impossible to avoid. On top of that, it’s believed that begonias bring good luck to gardeners due to carrying symbols of joy and fortune.

Tips for Choosing the Best Flowers to Grow

After learning about all the above-mentioned easy flowers to grow, you might wonder which variety is best for you. Although they are all low-maintenance and ideal for beginners in gardening, their appearance and growing conditions may differ slightly.

Some varieties thrive in cooler climates and can be planted in shades, whereas others require total sun exposure and enough moisture to bloom properly. To choose the best outdoor flowers, consider the following guidelines:

Determine the ideal array of colors

While most easy flowers on this list come in various colors, deciding how vibrant you want your garden to look is vital. For example, if you are leaning towards a colorful look, combine the red and blue hues of pansies, impatiens, and Siberian irises. You can’t go wrong with the purple sensation of portulacas and asters to achieve a more unified color array.

Consider the flowers’ shape and size

Before choosing easy flowers to plant in your garden, decide which plant size and shape look the most appealing. Sunflowers have big petals and grow tall, whereas asters can grow tall but have more delicate petals.

Study common maintenance techniques

If you decide to plant flowers in your garden, consider the time you have to care for them. Some require slightly more maintenance than others. But, every gardener should know the basic maintenance techniques like watering and soil preparation.

If you want to grow flowers that require only minimal maintenance, go for catmints or marigolds. But if you don’t mind providing fertile soil and regularly watering, grow pansies or impatiens.