Ultimate Moving Out Guide – 10 Must-Things To Do

A couple moving in

When moving to a new home, there are a lot of things you must take care of and tackle to guarantee a successful process. For this reason, you will need a moving out checklist to help you keep everything organized and ready for the big day.

In this guide, we break down the things to do before moving to ensure you don’t forget anything and stay on track. These steps may sound simple, but it’s important to consider each one to eliminate stress and focus more on the joy of moving to a new place.

A couple moving in

1. Organize Moving Information

One of the most crucial things on our moving checklist is information organization. You can either write everything important down or store all data digitally for better access.

  • Documents: Property-related paperwork must be easily accessible to you at all times in case you need it during a particular stage of the moving process.
  • Estimates: Gather information about the estimates each moving company offers and compare them to determine which option best suits your preferences.
  • Budget: Among the most important factors to consider when creating your own moving out checklist is your pre-planned budget. Calculate all potential expenses during the moving process and set enough money aside to access when needed.

2. Choose a Moving Method

Of course, you can always ask family and close friends to help you move. However, hiring a moving company is also a method worth considering. Professional movers are capable of handling transportation and lifting, saving you time, effort, and stress during the process.

However, you don’t necessarily have to choose between one method or the other. Instead, you can combine them and get convenience and affordability in one. One efficient way to do this is to provide transportation while they safely unload everything from the moving vehicle and lift heavy things to bring to your new home.

3. Get Rid of Clutter

A checklist for moving out must also focus on getting rid of things you no longer want to possess. For example, maybe a lamp or a sofa looked great in your old home, but it doesn’t match the aesthetics of your new one.

Bringing clutter to a brand-new, fresh space is not the best idea. Thus, decide whether you want to sell or donate unwanted stuff to people who will need it and appreciate it better.

4. Purchase Packing Supplies

Cardboard boxes are great options for packing your belongings during moving. However, in addition to them, you will potentially need the following packing supplies to help you keep everything tight and protected, preventing damage during the loading and transportation process:

  • Tape
  • Markers
  • Labels
  • Bubble Wrap
  • Box Cutters
  • Plastic Bags
  • Packing Paper

A moving box

5. Pack Your Possessions

Packing can be the most exciting step of the moving process or the most frustrating – depending on how much you enjoy organizing things. Luckily, you can find many packing hacks online to make it easier and more enjoyable.

It’s a good idea to label each box during packing to make unpacking less troubling. This way, you will find the things you need more quickly and remind yourself or movers which things must be handled more carefully.

6. Prepare Your New Home for Moving In

Assess the condition of your new house before moving day. This will ensure you have enough time to make any necessary repairs, like painting walls, fixing leaky roofs, and replacing poorly installed ventilation systems, beforehand and not worry about them after you and your family have settled in.

7. Update Your Address

Many things change when you decide to move to a new place, including your address. While this is self-explanatory and easily understandable, many people forget to update their addresses when they move, which can lead to problems like missed bills. Make sure you notify the following organizations of your changed address:

  1. Insurance companies
  2. Utility and Internet providers
  3. Employers
  4. Subscription services
  5. Online shopping platforms

8. Leave the Old Home in Good Condition

Your previous house has served you for some time, and you called it home. So, it deserves to be well taken care of and left spotless for real estate agents to present it to new potential owners who might be interested in living there.

9. Clean Your New Space

The best thing you can do for your well-being, which will decrease your stress levels on moving day, is to clean the new house at least a few days prior. This is to avoid unpacking and cleaning on the same day, which may become too tiring to handle.

If you are busy with work or other obligations and can’t find the time to clean the new space beforehand, you can always hire a cleaning service to do it for you. While this may not be the most affordable option, it assuredly is the most convenient.

10. Get Ready for Moving Day!

A new house key

The day has finally come – you are moving into a new place and accomplishing greater stability and success for your loved ones. However, this day also demands a lot of responsibilities on your part because, after all, you will live here. So, it’s important to start this new journey on a positive and productive note.

  • Unpack Essentials First: Don’t get overwhelmed when you see all the boxes in one place! You might get the feeling of not knowing where to start and what to unpack first. The best option is to find the necessities, like toothbrushes, pillows, blankets, comfortable clothes, etc., first and have them on hand during this exciting but also stressful time.
  • Explore the New Neighborhood: Get familiar with the people and establishments located near your new home. Say hello to your closest neighbors and inform them you have just moved in. Walk around the neighborhood and see where the nearest grocery store or pharmacy is to familiarize yourself with your new surroundings.
  • Decorate and Put Everything in Place: While you don’t have to organize every single thing on the first day, it’s important to figure out where you want your things to be placed. Decorating your new space might also bring you a lot of joy, knowing that this area represents a sense of privacy and embodies your unique style.


What After the Moving Euphoria Passes?

Following this moving out checklist helped you settle into your new home; the most stressful stage is over. You have decorated the entire space, and it finally feels completely yours and homey. So, what is next?

  • Prioritize Security: Installing security cameras on your property is a smart move to guarantee safety. These types of systems alert owners when someone unknown, who might have bad intentions like breaking in and stealing, approaches the house.
  • Maintain Cleanliness and Functionality: Regularly clean your space to maintain its fresh appearance. If you notice that certain repairs still need to be performed, take care of them as soon as possible.
  • Praise Yourself for Pushing Through It: Moving is not easy, but you made it! Thank everyone who helped, but don’t forget to give yourself some credit too. Now, you are ready to enjoy spending time in a space you picked and decorated to your liking.